Flagstaff to Grand Canyon Stagecoach Line / September 24th, 2016 / 55 KM

  • 29 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 3.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as UltraSignup.com, RealEndurance.com, Active.com, Thelist.com, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Jim Walmsley 26 M , 3:30:44 31.73
2 2 Catlow Shipek 38 M , 4:19:10 24.77
3 1 Katie McGee 43 F , 4:37:00 30.81
4 3 John Mollenhour 60 M , 5:17:06 19.40
5 4 Benjamin Gerkin 29 M , 5:19:03 18.44
6 5 Jess McNeely 47 M , 5:23:13 17.38
7 6 Kevin Bohm 34 M , 5:37:32 15.85
8 2 Alyson Jay 37 F , 5:45:02 23.74
9 7 Kiran Hanumaiah 40 M , 5:57:22 14.97
10 8 Samuel Bockelman 33 M , 6:02:17 14.77
11 3 Margaret Montfort 56 F , 6:07:31 21.36
12 4 Shari White 42 F , 6:14:19 20.06
13 9 Melvin Betani 61 M , 6:19:24 14.10
14 5 Tonya Keyes 30 F , 6:22:51 18.72
15 10 Lane Morgan 44 M , 6:28:52 13.76
16 6 Kelsey Gray 28 F , 6:32:52 17.38
17 11 William Hafferty 28 M , 6:32:52 13.62
18 7 Amy Green 36 F , 6:35:56 17.24
19 12 Steven Sue 52 M , 7:02:41 12.66
20 8 Sally Brooking 59 F , 7:06:16 16.02
21 13 Eric Acuna 35 M , 7:08:30 12.48
22 9 Jessi Goldstein 45 F , 7:14:51 15.70
23 10 Janice Anderson 50 F , 7:26:08 15.30
24 14 Shawn Haven 41 M , 7:31:43 11.84
25 15 Chuck Morehead 46 M , 7:41:30 11.59
26 16 Edwin Furtaw 68 M , 8:18:46 10.73
27 11 Aretha Fiebig 42 F , 8:21:25 13.61
28 12 Jessica Turner 31 F , 8:23:07 13.57
29 13 Cecilia Espinosa 52 F , 9:35:00 11.87