Frequently Asked Questions

Every ultra race (28 miles and above) in North America occurring between April 29th, 2016 - April 30th, 2017 which provides complete race results will be included.

Anyone that lives in North America.

Your age group is 2016 subtracted by the year you were born.

Individual race points are calculated based on a number of variables. Your finish time, the strength of field, number of finishers and gender place are all part of the formula. For complete details, please see the scoring page.

Your total points is the sum of your best performances at the 50k, 50 Mile, 100k and 100 Mile distances.

Distances that aren't standard will be rounded up or down to the nearest distance. See the scoring page for the brackets.

We realize these are an important part of the sport of ultrarunning, tracing their roots back to the era of pedestrianism in the 19th century. Unfortunately, they are too difficult to score for the series.

Common reasons for results to appear to be missing include:

  • Only North American Ultra races (28+ miles) are included in the series
  • Only races occurring between April 30th, 2016 and April 30th, 2017 are scored
  • Race results are incomplete (a race must submit a minimum of finisher name, age and gender for all finishers)
  • We are waiting on results to be submitted/posted

If you have checked all of these reasons and still believe your result to be missing from our scoring, please contact us. You must provide a link to the official results.

We do our best to separate individuals based on name and age, but mistakes will happen. If there are results in your profile that are not yours, please contact us and we will take care of it.