Highlands Sky / June 18th, 2016 / 40 Miles

  • 165 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as UltraSignup.com, RealEndurance.com, Active.com, Thelist.com, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Lucas Warner 26 M , 6:25:52 41.20
2 2 Trevor Baine 34 M , 6:34:38 38.68
3 3 Matthew Wieczorek 28 M , 6:52:33 35.46
4 4 Derek Clark 35 M , 7:01:43 33.18
5 5 Jack Baronner 23 M , 7:06:25 31.32
6 1 Robin Watkins 32 F , 7:07:21 41.20
7 6 Luke Fleischman 54 M , 7:15:50 29.18
8 7 Robert Wolfe 44 M , 7:15:50 29.18
9 8 Josh Gilbert 41 M , 7:17:50 29.05
10 9 Mark Lattanzi 50 M , 7:33:34 28.04
11 10 Evan Close 31 M , 7:38:38 27.73
12 11 Brenton Swyers 28 M , 7:45:34 27.32
13 12 Bill Young 49 M , 7:47:18 27.22
14 13 Andy Bacon 38 M , 7:52:21 26.93
15 14 Christian Dahlhausen 36 M , 7:54:01 26.83
16 15 Patrick Vaughan 39 M , 7:57:38 26.63
17 16 Glen Gibson 37 M , 7:58:28 26.58
18 17 Matthew Perry 34 M , 8:03:45 26.29
19 18 Park Ferguson 27 M , 8:05:05 26.22
20 19 Erik Price 33 M , 8:06:23 26.15
21 2 Alexis Thomas 33 F , 8:07:34 34.67
22 20 John Steadman 26 M , 8:08:05 26.06
23 21 Todd Thomas 41 M , 8:10:16 25.94
24 22 John Logar 40 M , 8:14:22 25.73
25 23 Daniel Hanks 39 M , 8:16:34 25.61
26 24 Richard Young 40 M , 8:18:11 25.53
27 25 Brian Kane 48 M , 8:21:26 25.37
28 26 Matthew Young 28 M , 8:22:05 25.33
29 27 Jeffrey Garstecki 47 M , 8:22:57 25.29
30 28 Dennis Coan 32 M , 8:23:28 25.26
31 29 Edward Eichler 35 M , 8:27:15 25.08
32 30 Marc Griffin 40 M , 8:28:49 25.00
33 31 Shawn McDermott 36 M , 8:31:42 24.86
34 32 Kevin Corell 40 M , 8:35:35 24.67
35 3 Anna Evans 27 F , 8:46:42 30.76
36 33 Stephen Patton 34 M , 8:46:56 24.14
37 4 Samantha Terry 26 F , 8:47:22 29.38
38 34 Larry Watson II 49 M , 8:47:47 24.10
39 35 Robert Dundervill 52 M , 8:52:30 23.89
40 36 Andy Peterson 59 M , 8:53:15 23.85
41 37 Brian Lang 48 M , 8:53:22 23.85
42 38 Jeff Zureich 29 M , 8:54:13 23.81
43 39 Randy Young 57 M , 8:56:37 23.70
44 40 Eric Durst 31 M , 8:56:39 23.70
45 41 Austin Michael 39 M , 8:56:50 23.69
46 42 Peter Sheesley 32 M , 8:47:59 24.09
47 43 Tom Sheesley 34 M , 8:57:49 23.65
48 44 Michael Bee 39 M , 8:59:24 23.58
49 5 Phyllis Tsang 34 F , 9:00:39 27.36
50 45 Kristopher Fazzini 33 M , 9:04:26 23.36
51 46 Zachary Parsons 28 M , 9:05:13 23.33
52 47 Matthew Yeager 49 M , 9:05:16 23.33
53 6 Stephanie Dempsey 39 F , 9:06:03 25.80
54 7 Michelle McLellan 47 F , 9:06:04 25.80
55 48 Jesse Cottrell 33 M , 9:06:10 23.29
56 49 Scott Crabb 44 M , 9:06:31 23.27
57 50 William Warner 63 M , 9:07:51 23.22
58 51 John Baldwin 36 M , 9:04:14 23.37
59 52 Rick Gray 55 M , 9:08:20 23.20
60 53 Jim LeClare 54 M , 9:14:58 22.92
61 54 Richard Bennett 35 M , 9:21:03 22.67
62 55 Jeremy Bradford 35 M , 9:22:50 22.60
63 56 Dennis Stottlemyer 49 M , 9:23:52 22.56
64 57 Jason Beckner 27 M , 9:31:08 22.27
65 58 David Mitchell 30 M , 9:31:18 22.26
66 8 Charlotte Johnson 34 F , 9:34:06 24.54
67 59 Geoffrey Mason 53 M , 9:35:17 22.11
68 60 Al Campos 43 M , 9:37:44 22.02
69 9 Katherine Thompson 27 F , 9:40:51 24.25
70 61 Stefan Eady 42 M , 9:43:44 21.79
71 10 Carrie Delbecq 44 F , 9:49:16 23.91
72 62 Robert Hellgren 36 M , 9:49:41 21.57
73 63 Daniel Crow 22 M , 9:49:49 21.57
74 64 Dan Aghdam 48 M , 9:50:18 21.55
75 65 Zac Wilson 38 M , 9:51:14 21.51
76 11 Krista Miller 30 F , 9:52:07 23.79
77 66 Larry Huffman 55 M , 9:54:41 21.39
78 67 Ian Luschin 39 M , 9:57:10 21.30
79 68 Danny Pendry 41 M , 9:58:03 21.27
80 69 Chris Williams 42 M , 9:58:38 21.25
81 70 Michael Verdisco 48 M , 9:59:43 21.21
82 12 Tracy Dahl 36 F , 10:04:15 23.31
83 13 Alissa Keith 31 F , 10:08:53 23.14
84 14 Gina Gilbert 44 F , 10:08:53 23.14
85 15 Bethany Williams 26 F , 10:08:54 23.13
86 71 Carl Hayman 53 M , 10:08:56 20.89
87 72 Chris Miller 37 M , 10:09:38 20.86
88 16 Sophorn Choup 37 F , 10:12:28 23.00
89 73 Patrick Schneble 39 M , 10:15:00 20.68
90 74 James Turner 50 M , 10:15:20 20.67
91 17 Jodie Hayes 47 F , 10:16:26 22.85
92 18 Elizabeth Campos 31 F , 10:17:34 22.81
93 19 Amanda Dion 50 F , 10:19:23 22.74
94 75 Michael Slover 44 M , 10:25:36 20.33
95 76 David Mitchell 45 M , 10:27:28 20.27
96 77 Ryan Belcher 29 M , 10:27:52 20.26
97 78 Nathan Cottrell 27 M , 10:27:58 20.25
98 79 Travis Miller 42 M , 10:29:28 20.21
99 80 Ron Eshleman 47 M , 10:31:17 20.15
100 20 Dru Sexton 64 F , 10:31:41 22.30
101 81 Dave Goodwin 51 M , 10:31:42 20.14
102 21 Jessica Suvak 27 F , 10:32:29 22.27
103 82 Carl Wilder 29 M , 10:35:41 20.01
104 22 Gaynor Bourgeois 47 F , 10:38:54 22.05
105 83 Thomas Syre 30 M , 10:41:22 19.83
106 84 Sir Pumpkin Longshanks 30 M , 10:41:23 19.83
107 23 Betsy Nickle 32 F , 10:42:52 21.91
108 24 Lynn Watson 46 F , 10:43:10 21.90
109 85 Michael LeMaster 37 M , 10:43:35 19.76
110 86 Charles Rousseaux 45 M , 10:44:25 19.74
111 87 Joe Santangelo 42 M , 10:45:10 19.71
112 88 Matthew Schneider 37 M , 10:45:11 19.71
113 89 Jeff Suvak 54 M , 10:50:31 19.55
114 90 Brian Joly 57 M , 10:50:52 19.54
115 25 Anna Zang 31 F , 10:54:43 21.52
116 91 Pete Daly 47 M , 10:55:51 19.39
117 92 Bob Anderson 69 M , 10:50:26 19.56
118 93 Robert Gaylord 67 M , 10:50:35 19.55
119 26 Katie Keier 46 F , 10:57:36 21.42
120 27 Yolanda Campbell 42 F , 10:58:14 21.40
121 94 Jeff Beckelhimer 50 M , 10:58:48 19.31
122 28 Laura Kepich 43 F , 10:59:24 21.36
123 29 Carolyn Albright 37 F , 19:19:27 12.15
124 95 RJ Freiwald 42 M , 11:00:12 19.27
125 96 Tyson Mccuen 44 M , 11:00:17 19.26
126 97 Eric Scheper 43 M , 11:00:18 19.26
127 30 Sarah Bee 40 F , 11:00:40 21.32
128 31 Catherine Fleischman 53 F , 11:11:00 20.99
129 32 Trish D?Imperio 55 F , 11:11:31 20.98
130 33 Christy Beckelhimer 43 F , 11:12:11 20.96
131 98 Joe VanSickle 36 M , 11:12:12 18.92
132 99 Bic Ulrich 41 M , 11:12:46 18.91
133 100 David Kuennen 36 M , 11:14:19 18.86
134 101 Kevin Wolfe 42 M , 11:14:23 18.86
135 102 Perry Ligon 55 M , 11:14:35 18.86
136 103 Jeffrey Wales 44 M , 11:15:06 18.84
137 34 Kelsey Stief 27 F , 11:15:51 20.84
138 104 Daniel Falk 37 M , 11:15:51 18.82
139 35 Jennifer Yaros 43 F , 11:21:31 20.67
140 105 Matt Harvey 53 M , 11:21:41 18.66
141 36 Jill Jacobs 49 F , 11:25:54 20.54
142 37 Carrie Drummond 42 F , 11:25:55 20.54
143 38 Carolyn Wilson 56 F , 11:25:55 20.54
144 106 Brandon Denny 24 M , 11:30:02 18.43
145 107 Mark Darlington 27 M , 11:30:47 18.41
146 108 Art Dodson 43 M , 11:34:03 18.33
147 39 Jennifer Poling 35 F , 11:35:04 20.27
148 109 Ronald Shuck 66 M , 11:35:11 18.30
149 40 Christiann Rogers 56 F , 11:42:20 20.06
150 41 Monica Miccio-Vieira 41 F , 11:42:21 20.06
151 42 Sarah Jarvis 34 F , 11:43:15 20.03
152 43 Tammie Wonning 44 F , 11:44:10 20.01
153 110 Ray Hunley 49 M , 11:44:24 18.06
154 111 Ross Williams 66 M , 11:44:38 18.05
155 112 Michael Mayes 45 M , 11:48:41 17.95
156 113 Adam Matheson 36 M , 11:48:46 17.95
157 114 Todd Craft 49 M , 11:48:53 17.94
158 115 Russ Gray 49 M , 11:49:04 17.94
159 44 Andrea Bond 44 F , 11:49:18 19.86
160 116 Adam Cottrell 21 M , 11:49:53 17.92
161 117 Charles Belcher 35 M , 11:50:07 17.91
162 118 Joseph Jarvis 35 M , 11:53:04 17.84
163 119 Lyle Cosner 42 M , 11:54:12 17.81
164 120 Ryan Sprinkle 25 M , 11:56:29 17.75
165 45 Jill Meadows 41 F , 11:56:35 19.66