John Oster / Rockies Region / M 50-59

Top Points (April 29th, 2016 - April 30th, 2017)

OP/GP Finishers Date Event Distance Group Points
4/4 34 Jan/28/17 Skydive Ultra Run 50 KM 50k 23.83
121/105 384 Jul/10/16 Silver Rush 50 50 Miles 50m 37.39
175/134 248 Feb/18/17 Black Canyon Trail 100 KM 100k 35.23
225/191 340 Aug/20/16 Leadville Trail 100 Miles 100m 67.07
Total Points 163.52

All Results (April 29th, 2016 - April 30th, 2017)

OP/GP Finishers Date Event Distance Group Points
121/105 384 Jul/10/16 Silver Rush 50 50 Miles 50m 37.39
225/191 340 Aug/20/16 Leadville Trail 100 Miles 100m 67.07
11/10 31 Oct/22/16 Goblin Valley 50 KM 50k 18.73
124/75 162 Nov/19/16 Dead Horse 50 KM 50k 17.83
62/45 90 Dec/10/16 Daytona 100 100 Miles 100m 55.79
4/4 34 Jan/28/17 Skydive Ultra Run 50 KM 50k 23.83
10/8 48 Oct/08/16 John Holmes Trail Run 50 KM 50k 19.42
175/134 248 Feb/18/17 Black Canyon Trail 100 KM 100k 35.23
45/28 72 Apr/15/17 Desert RATS Trailrunning Festival 50 KM 50k 18.54
34/30 69 Apr/08/17 Down To Run Endurance Challenge 50k 50 KM 50k 20.13

Historical Place

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Current Rankings

  • Overall Rank: 515
  • Region Rank: 55
  • Age Group Rank: 3