tBunk Endurance Challenge / November 4th, 2016 / 50 Miles

  • 28 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as UltraSignup.com, RealEndurance.com, Active.com, Thelist.com, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Jon Noll 31 M , WI 6:46:01 49.38
2 2 Vikash Malik 34 M , INDIA 7:19:31 43.79
3 3 Tim Wegner 51 M , WI 8:51:56 34.67
4 4 Praful Aggarwal 29 M , WI 8:53:10 33.09
5 5 Jason Krezinski 43 M , WI 9:02:08 31.06
6 1 JoDeen Hettenbach 52 F , WI 9:10:02 49.38
7 6 Adam Gould 46 M , WI 9:17:32 28.77
8 7 Gary Krienitz 44 M , IL 10:06:42 26.43
9 8 Ted Wollnik, Jr. 46 M , IL 10:06:58 26.42
10 9 Tim Lenning 50 M , IL 10:07:12 26.41
11 10 Steven Stricker 53 M , IL 10:09:58 26.29
12 11 Jonathan Pleitner 31 M , WI 10:14:23 26.10
13 12 Drew Cordell 32 M , WI 10:19:27 25.89
14 13 Shawn Geiger 1 M , WI 10:27:01 25.58
15 14 Wilson Gaul 33 M , WI 10:33:01 25.34
16 15 Rob Schmitter 51 M , WI 10:42:25 24.96
17 16 Jason Palmer 44 M , IL 10:54:45 24.49
18 17 Christopher Deck 36 M , MN 10:54:45 24.49
19 2 Michelle Gallagher 50 F , IL 11:02:00 39.38
20 18 Jim Weber 51 M , WI 11:30:12 23.24
21 19 Noah Krueger 17 M , WI 11:53:12 22.49
22 20 Brian Baldauff 39 M , WI 12:00:50 22.25
23 3 Caitlin Baldauff 27 F , WI 12:00:50 34.66
24 21 Matthew Hippe 37 M , WI 12:07:21 22.05
25 4 Karnika Shah 38 F , IL 12:14:47 32.53
26 22 Patrick Lang 43 M , WI 12:33:13 21.29
27 5 Beth Simpson-Hall 58 F , IL 12:46:12 29.77
28 23 Patrick Gorman 58 M , IL 12:46:12 20.93