Sycamore 100K / February 25th, 2017 / 50 KM

  • 26 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Dan Lacy 31 M San Diego, CA 4:47:57 30.23
2 2 Michael Merrill 41 M San Diego, CA 4:51:11 28.69
3 3 Jonathanleo Fields 31 M Escondido, CA 4:53:05 27.32
4 1 Danielle Pozun 29 F Carlsbad, CA 5:12:57 30.23
5 4 Andrew Zahurak 36 M La Mesa, CA 5:16:57 24.16
6 2 Mariel Feigen 28 F Brooklyn, NY 5:30:58 27.44
7 5 Brian Casola 40 M San Marcos, CA 5:52:27 20.74
8 6 Jamie Chatham 47 M La Mesa, CA 5:57:51 19.46
9 7 Jesus Rodriguez 45 M Fresno, CA 6:00:04 19.34
10 8 Michael Rogers 32 M Oceanside, CA 6:08:15 18.91
11 9 Pete Mchugh 40 M River Heights, UT 6:19:24 18.35
12 10 Thomas Cross 47 M Encinitas, CA 6:25:37 18.06
13 11 Antonio Lopez 27 M San Diego, CA 6:43:17 17.26
14 12 Brian Kennedy 48 M San Diego, CA 6:43:22 17.26
15 13 Alec Dosland 26 M San Diego, CA 6:47:22 17.09
16 3 Pamela Keller 30 F San Diego, CA 6:56:10 20.91
17 14 David Brumett 23 M Oceanside, CA 7:16:37 15.95
18 4 Robyn Scherer 46 F San Diego, CA 7:19:36 18.94
19 15 Doug Emery 50 M , 7:27:35 15.56
20 5 Whitney Baugher 27 F Anza, CA 7:33:48 17.51
21 16 Andrew Beauchamp 56 M Alta Loma, CA 7:39:32 15.15
22 17 Michael Holmes 50 M San Diego, CA 7:40:09 15.13
23 18 John McHenry 51 M El Cajon, CA 8:07:47 14.27
24 6 Naomi Jenkins 30 F Huntington Beach, CA 8:35:07 14.69
25 7 Sachiko Miyoshi 47 F San Diego, CA 8:40:43 14.53
26 8 Rali Roesing 43 F La Jolla, CA 9:57:50 12.66