Little Su 50K / February 18th, 2017 / 50 KM

  • 17 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Scott Gage 46 M Wasilla, AK 6:08:53 28.48
2 1 Kari Konrath-Bera 39 F Chugiak, AK 6:44:26 28.48
3 2 Kyle Colburn 55 F Anchorage, AK 7:02:56 26.15
4 2 Trevor Howell 42 M Eagle river, AK 7:16:15 23.12
5 3 Anne Fink 26 F Iliamna, AK 7:30:24 23.53
6 3 Stephen Fink 25 M Iliamna, AK 7:30:24 21.46
7 4 Riley Bennett-Vockner 32 F Nome, AK 7:42:44 21.91
8 4 M. Scott Moon 53 M Kenai, AK 7:57:16 19.37
9 5 Anthony Hartman 25 M Anchorage, AK 7:59:02 18.42
10 6 John Hoppe 46 M Anchorage, AK 7:59:11 17.54
11 5 Amanda Day 38 F Eagle River, AK 8:23:54 19.20
12 7 Don Kiely 59 M Fairbanks, AK 8:25:46 16.62
13 6 Jennifer Diep 25 F Anchorage, AK 8:42:37 17.63
14 7 Andrea Hambach 40 F Willow, AK 9:03:05 16.97
15 8 David Johnston 46 M Willow, AK 9:03:13 15.47
16 9 Joshua Marshall 43 M Fairbanks, AK 9:23:27 14.92
17 8 Jinny Cooper 47 F Willow, AK 9:46:29 15.71