Rosaryville Trail Runs / July 24th, 2016 / 50 KM

  • 76 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Nicolas Klustava 34 M , 4:03:21 38.91
2 2 Chris Roberts 31 M , 4:08:04 36.64
3 3 Brad Hinton 40 M , 4:19:40 33.54
4 4 Adam Watkins 36 M , 4:25:43 31.35
5 5 Matt Wilson 54 M , 4:42:37 28.14
6 6 Matthew Salomon 59 M , 4:47:33 26.34
7 1 Grayson Vincent 30 F , 4:48:19 38.91
8 2 Robin Watkins 32 F , 5:03:04 35.53
9 7 James Gilmore 46 M , 5:04:12 24.90
10 3 Judy Doldorf 43 F , 5:08:15 33.48
11 8 Philip Yeager 36 M , 5:08:28 24.55
12 9 Mikael Homanen 26 M , 5:13:02 24.20
13 10 Jesse Fuller 32 M , 5:15:11 24.03
14 11 Emmett Delaney 49 M , 5:21:54 23.53
15 12 Ryan Brown 30 M , 5:31:10 22.87
16 13 Wilfredo Franceschini 41 M , 5:48:04 21.76
17 14 Jim Roche 47 M , 5:49:35 21.67
18 4 Paige Nelson 22 F , 5:49:59 28.20
19 5 Wueta Perry 43 F , 5:50:56 26.85
20 15 Clewly Matthew 18 M , 6:10:59 20.42
21 16 Brett Martin 35 M , 6:13:56 20.26
22 17 Ron Eshleman 47 M , 6:15:21 20.18
23 6 Molly Dancer 29 F , 6:16:27 23.84
24 18 Chance Yohman 34 M , 6:21:33 19.85
25 19 Frank Volny 37 M , 6:21:35 19.85
26 7 Ellen Miller 39 F , 6:24:10 23.36
27 20 Rajinder Bhanot 48 M , 6:25:41 19.64
28 8 Elyse Braner 32 F , 6:27:26 23.16
29 21 Richard Thomas 46 M , 6:32:33 19.29
30 9 Laura Kemoli 35 F , 6:35:15 22.70
31 22 Benjamin Wells 36 M , 6:35:15 19.16
32 10 Yancy Padilla 38 F , 6:37:17 22.59
33 11 Lisa Gesualdo 46 F , 6:38:02 22.54
34 12 Loan Vo 34 F , 6:38:16 22.53
35 23 Wynn Vo 43 M , 6:38:24 19.01
36 24 John Hodge 28 M , 6:38:34 19.00
37 25 Kuang Li 37 M , 6:40:27 18.91
38 26 Donald Huston 25 M , 6:42:41 18.81
39 13 Rachel Eisenfeld 29 F , 6:44:03 22.21
40 14 Laura Bennett 45 F , 6:48:04 21.99
41 27 Marvin Solberg 56 M , 6:52:29 18.36
42 28 Andrew Carta 31 M , 6:54:24 18.28
43 15 Heather Stroble 40 F , 6:59:37 21.39
44 16 Shalisa Davis 47 F , 7:02:28 21.24
45 17 Katrina Rodriguez 35 F , 7:05:10 21.11
46 29 Aleck Wong 40 M , 7:07:53 17.70
47 30 James Goetschius 44 M , 7:09:01 17.65
48 31 Anthony Longano 45 M , 7:13:10 17.49
49 32 Robert Dolan 50 M , 7:14:11 17.44
50 33 David Latshaw 29 M , 7:14:22 17.44
51 18 Ellen Kurland 49 F , 7:15:18 20.61
52 19 Catherine Codd 42 F , 7:23:12 20.25
53 34 Robert Litz 44 M , 7:23:39 17.07
54 35 Brian Chiles 42 M , 7:24:35 17.04
55 20 Hamblen Madison 23 F , 7:27:47 20.04
56 36 Mark Zimmermann 63 M , 7:36:40 16.59
57 21 Stephanie Fonda 48 F , 7:36:40 19.65
58 37 Angelo Parrish 47 M , 7:37:32 16.55
59 22 Colene Kraemer 36 F , 7:37:32 19.61
60 38 John Gremillion 45 M , 7:38:32 16.52
61 23 Joan Divinagracia 46 F , 7:57:39 18.79
62 24 Neisa Condemaita 41 F , 7:58:42 18.75
63 25 Beth Rodriguez 36 F , 7:59:11 18.73
64 39 Andrew Arbuckle 41 M , 7:59:37 15.79
65 40 John Hord 48 M , 8:05:10 15.61
66 26 Natsumi Ono 21 F , 8:10:34 18.29
67 41 Christopher Ferrufino 30 M , 8:31:12 14.82
68 42 Guillermo Valdivia 40 M , 8:32:00 14.79
69 27 Janet Kemp 32 F , 8:32:55 17.50
70 43 Julius Garcia 56 M , 8:35:27 14.69
71 28 Debi Smith 52 F , 8:40:56 17.23
72 29 Barbera Hamilton 48 F , 8:40:56 17.23
73 30 Kathleen Madden 52 F , 8:40:56 17.23
74 44 Ivanov Sergey 59 M , 8:44:41 14.44
75 45 Anthony Militello 43 M , 8:46:11 14.39
76 46 Roy Lacson 47 M , 8:57:36 14.09