Southern Tour Ultra / January 21st, 2017 / 50 KM

  • 87 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Rick Poplaski 50 M , 4:11:05 39.19
2 1 Michelle Fogle 34 F , 4:23:54 39.19
3 2 Jerry Fresenko 49 M , 4:25:29 35.58
4 3 Bryan Langan 40 M , 4:27:56 33.79
5 4 JASON ADAMS 45 M , 4:28:48 32.21
6 2 Linda Hatfield 48 F , 4:34:33 36.16
7 5 Clint Henry 30 M , 4:38:53 29.64
8 6 Christopher Holub 40 M , 4:40:54 28.02
9 7 Hughes Burridge 27 M , 4:40:54 28.02
10 8 Jeffrey Peterson 57 M , 4:43:24 27.78
11 3 Tara Wind 38 F , 4:43:24 33.57
12 9 Alexander Navia 29 M , 4:45:59 27.53
13 10 Antonio Cillo 30 M , 4:46:00 27.52
14 4 Leanne Johnson 37 F , 4:46:46 31.74
15 11 Kent Buhler 51 M , 4:52:11 26.94
16 12 Michael Welker 44 M , 4:53:25 26.83
17 13 Eric Jelinski 38 M , 4:53:32 26.82
18 14 Duke Hagestrom 43 M , 4:56:19 26.57
19 15 Tommy Parkin 43 M , 4:57:23 26.47
20 16 Scott Wells 44 M , 4:57:57 26.42
21 17 David Frederiksen 46 M , 5:05:54 25.73
22 18 John Morris 43 M , 5:16:20 24.88
23 19 Dan Girouard 45 M , 5:19:26 24.64
24 20 Todd Fischer 45 M , 5:27:35 24.03
25 21 Chris Bradley 38 M , 5:35:20 23.47
26 22 Tyler Peek 51 M , 5:35:37 23.45
27 23 Terry Mann 41 M , 5:36:05 23.42
28 24 Robert Plagmann 37 M , 5:43:14 22.93
29 5 Mary Margaret McEachern 46 F , 5:44:22 25.23
30 25 Terrence Slack 32 M , 5:47:40 22.64
31 26 Jay Pounds 36 M , 5:49:45 22.51
32 27 Jeffrey McClintock 45 M , 5:51:35 22.39
33 28 Nathan Christy 33 M , 5:55:38 22.13
34 29 Brian Moschet 36 M , 6:00:31 21.83
35 30 Jeff Roegge 48 M , 6:11:19 21.20
36 6 Christine Tanhueco 44 F , 6:11:21 22.28
37 7 Amy Smith 35 F , 6:16:00 22.00
38 8 Allison Shofe 37 F , 6:16:26 21.98
39 9 Emily Lyons 26 F , 6:17:03 21.94
40 31 Geof Brown 52 M , 6:17:07 20.87
41 10 Catherine Weimer 46 F , 6:17:26 21.92
42 11 Loren Lee 32 F , 6:17:36 21.91
43 12 Julia Mattingly 35 F , 6:21:42 21.68
44 13 Kimberly Hollifield-Smith 37 F , 6:26:40 21.40
45 14 Whitney Smith 36 F , 6:28:08 21.32
46 15 Gloria Yan 53 F , 6:28:25 21.30
47 32 Paul Houtz 32 M , 6:28:46 20.25
48 33 Charles Buckland 56 M , 6:30:38 20.15
49 34 Daniel Miles 38 M , 6:31:34 20.10
50 16 Kate Pinches 40 F , 6:36:53 20.85
51 17 Julie Shaw 44 F , 6:36:54 20.85
52 35 Douglas Myers 42 M , 6:38:16 19.77
53 36 Jacob Bush 41 M , 6:41:31 19.61
54 18 Stephanie Walters 39 F , 6:46:16 20.36
55 37 Douglas Kraft 35 M , 6:50:13 19.19
56 19 Sheryl Jones 52 F , 6:52:52 20.04
57 20 Beth Greer 35 F , 6:53:31 20.01
58 21 Christine Furmick 37 F , 6:57:53 19.80
59 22 Sherrie South 52 F , 7:03:31 19.54
60 38 Rich Holmes 67 M , 7:10:18 18.29
61 23 Sonja M Williams 53 F , 7:15:33 19.00
62 24 Tamara Dilling 48 F , 7:17:26 18.91
63 25 Mandy Williams 41 F , 7:18:10 18.88
64 39 Jordan Wilkins 30 M , 7:28:45 17.54
65 26 Michelle Smith 41 F , 7:30:20 18.37
66 27 Jennifer Johnson 41 F , 7:32:19 18.29
67 28 Stacey Walton 39 F , 7:37:00 18.10
68 40 Michael Lee 37 M , 7:41:09 17.07
69 41 Tommy Moore 44 M , 7:52:08 16.67
70 29 Angela Mallard 53 F , 7:54:11 17.45
71 30 Kasey Kerley 36 F , 7:54:48 17.43
72 31 Natalie Clifton 39 F , 7:57:11 17.34
73 42 Brandon Bagwell 39 M , 7:57:12 16.50
74 32 Jessica Duncan 33 F , 8:17:20 16.64
75 33 Dee Jacobs 56 F , 8:18:35 16.59
76 43 Matthew Hamidullah 67 M , 8:34:51 15.29
77 34 Courtney Dennis 34 F , 8:39:36 15.92
78 35 Esmeralda Wernli 41 F , 8:41:19 15.87
79 36 Becky Dus 73 F , 8:46:09 15.72
80 37 Jennifer Morton 29 F , 8:47:15 15.69
81 38 Leigh-Anne Slack 34 F , 9:03:27 15.22
82 39 Jessica Warneke 29 F , 9:03:27 15.22
83 44 Dennis Schaefer 65 M , 9:09:25 14.33
84 45 Mike Womble 44 M , 9:12:43 14.24
85 46 Harold Markham 46 M , 9:21:54 14.01
86 40 Melissa Bopp 44 F , 9:21:55 14.72
87 47 Fred Taylor 74 M , 10:37:49 12.34