Red Dirt Ultra / February 4th, 2017 / 100 KM

  • 22 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Roger Rholdon 36 M , 9:38:51 58.90
2 2 Brandon Eddards 37 M , 10:10:17 53.63
3 3 Scott Berthel 51 M , 10:40:20 48.98
4 4 Daric Bass 47 M , 12:00:15 41.66
5 1 Jenny McClean 37 F , 12:02:51 58.90
6 5 Raymond McGuire 47 M , 12:08:58 39.29
7 2 Fawn Hernandez 32 F , 13:40:47 49.80
8 3 K L Scott 47 F , 14:05:17 46.34
9 6 Cruz Pitre 48 M , 14:06:48 32.21
10 4 Laura Euckert 48 F , 14:06:49 44.24
11 7 Nick Cronan 36 M , 14:57:51 30.38
12 5 Gwendolyn Zywicke 50 F , 15:28:04 38.54
13 8 Ryan Skains 43 M , 15:29:26 29.35
14 9 Justin Skains 38 M , 15:29:28 29.35
15 6 Jenny Lendle 34 F , 16:01:52 35.41
16 7 Celeste Martin 48 F , 16:03:24 35.35
17 8 Jasmine Galjour 32 F , 16:20:57 34.72
18 10 Joey Hamner 37 M , 16:55:23 26.86
19 9 Mary Skinner 48 F , 17:23:46 32.63
20 11 Taylor Smith 36 M , 17:24:28 26.11
21 12 Brent Aymond 40 M , 20:46:22 21.88
22 10 Julie Carlson 44 F , 25:19:03 22.42