Grand Ridge Trail Run (Fall) / November 19th, 2016 / 50 KM

  • 36 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.50
  • Female Strength of Field: 1.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Chase Nowak 27 M , 4:40:59 32.32
2 2 Matthew Urbanski 36 M , 4:42:53 30.82
3 3 Jeff Kercher 46 M , 5:06:28 27.26
4 4 Stephen Slaby 35 M , 5:14:42 25.40
5 1 Gina Slaby 35 F , 5:14:42 32.48
6 5 Starbuck Ballner 30 M , 5:31:05 23.04
7 6 Michael Verdonk 35 M , 5:36:21 21.60
8 7 Bjorn Syse 27 M , 5:57:06 20.35
9 8 Bobby Andrews 35 M , 6:05:39 19.87
10 9 Colton Becker 25 M , 6:12:04 19.53
11 10 Tobin Marsh 51 M , 6:12:39 19.50
12 11 John Rodakowski 51 M , 6:19:52 19.13
13 12 Patrick Talmadge 35 M , 6:21:32 19.04
14 13 Chris Schultheiss 43 M , 6:22:40 18.99
15 14 Thomas Owen 48 M , 6:29:33 18.65
16 15 Scott Pike 42 M , 6:30:57 18.59
17 16 Umar Shavurov 37 M , 6:41:38 18.09
18 2 Van Phan 45 F , 6:45:32 24.20
19 17 Leo Rankin 65 M , 6:51:29 17.66
20 18 Joachim Damstrom 44 M , 6:52:46 17.60
21 3 Angela Easton 31 F , 6:56:32 22.58
22 19 Phil Ullrich 48 M , 7:02:37 17.19
23 20 Ray Holden 55 M , 7:04:21 17.12
24 21 Joe Rummler 50 M , 7:09:53 16.90
25 4 Carol Xu 28 F , 7:14:26 20.71
26 22 Miguel Gomez 44 M , 7:15:33 16.68
27 5 Jeannie Gilbert 43 F , 7:27:11 19.20
28 23 Ben Thomassen 36 M , 7:33:01 16.04
29 6 Rene Crickenberger 34 F , 7:36:35 17.91
30 24 John Sandoval 50 M , 7:51:37 15.41
31 7 Robin Van Wageningen 25 F , 7:54:23 17.24
32 25 Kevin Leavitt 51 M , 8:04:19 15.00
33 8 Julie Woolf 27 F , 8:08:48 16.73
34 9 Anna Hoisington 34 F , 8:16:19 16.48
35 26 Joshua Falhen 47 M , 8:24:54 14.39
36 27 Britt Guerlain 43 M , 8:29:16 14.27