The Gnarly Bear Endurance Run / October 15th, 2016 / 50 KM

  • 22 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Loren Davis 24 M Bozeman, MT 4:42:17 29.45
2 2 Andy Ringholz 32 M Victor, ID 4:56:40 26.90
3 3 Pat Bragassa 53 M Ririe, ID 5:04:45 25.10
4 1 Kate Bevilaqua 39 F Boise, ID 5:15:56 29.45
5 4 Jordan Zobell 34 M Post Falls, ID 5:17:17 23.06
6 2 Saige Ballock-Dixon 34 F Idaho Falls, ID 5:23:53 27.58
7 3 Angela Kohler 34 F Idaho Falls, ID 5:25:22 26.31
8 5 Brady Winkles 23 M Kuna, ID 5:52:50 19.79
9 6 Drew Adams 29 M Twin Falls, ID 5:59:36 18.49
10 7 Forest Dramis 42 M Jackson, WY 5:59:37 18.49
11 8 Nate Reese 38 M Iona, ID 6:11:26 17.91
12 9 Richard Owens 33 M Bozeman, MT 6:33:00 16.92
13 10 Aj Zenkert 41 M Boise, ID 6:41:09 16.58
14 11 Tim Jacobson 37 M Boise, ID 6:42:57 16.50
15 12 Jeff Fullmer 36 M Idaho Falls, ID 6:43:06 16.50
16 13 Jedd Jones 45 M Idaho Falls, ID 6:48:03 16.30
17 14 Stacey Barker 34 M Pocatello, ID 6:51:54 16.15
18 4 Sandy Moulton 43 F Idaho Falls, ID 7:15:21 18.81
19 15 Matt Bitter 32 M Rexburg, ID 7:31:38 14.73
20 16 James Cole 46 M Idaho Falls, ID 7:39:53 14.46
21 5 Jodi Bragassa 48 F Ririe, ID 7:42:24 16.90
22 17 Eric Thomas 44 M Idaho Falls, ID 8:11:19 13.54