The Big Schloss / September 24th, 2016 / 50 KM

  • 37 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Trevor Baine 34 M , 4:31:00 32.36
2 2 Matt Christovich 37 M , 4:58:00 28.25
3 1 Robin Watkins 33 F , 4:57:00 32.36
4 3 Keith Knipling 40 M , 5:13:00 25.77
5 4 Dave Herring 45 M , 4:57:00 25.98
6 5 Andrew Thomas 33 M , 4:57:00 24.80
7 6 Matthew Smith 37 M , 5:22:00 21.79
8 7 Eric Harris 43 M , 5:22:00 21.79
9 8 Philip Yeager 36 M , 5:13:00 22.41
10 9 Brett Martin 35 M , 5:18:00 22.06
11 10 Greg Zaruba 49 M , 5:13:00 22.41
12 11 Jonathan Gowen 32 M , 5:13:00 22.41
13 12 Bruce Tweedie 54 M , 5:34:00 21.00
14 2 Stephanie Dempsey 39 F , 5:31:00 27.87
15 13 Albert Cramer 26 M , 5:23:00 21.72
16 14 Kevin Walker 36 M , 5:22:00 21.79
17 15 Brian Kane 48 M , 5:22:00 21.79
18 16 David Woll 51 M , 5:31:00 21.19
19 17 Fred Fialco 42 M , 6:21:00 18.41
20 18 Andrew Peterson 59 M , 6:01:00 19.43
21 3 Joyce Fendley 50 F , 6:29:00 22.73
22 4 Alisa Springman 41 F , 6:30:00 21.68
23 19 Jimm Ouellette 43 M , 6:33:00 17.85
24 20 Ed Walsh 67 M , 6:36:00 17.71
25 5 Dawn Gray 42 F , 6:37:00 20.33
26 6 Jenny Roberts 35 F , 6:37:00 19.36
27 21 Alan Gowen 66 M , 6:48:00 17.19
28 22 Gary Bowman 50 M , 6:49:00 17.15
29 23 Bob Gaylord 68 M , 6:46:00 17.28
30 7 Katie Keier 46 F , 6:49:00 18.80
31 8 Cassandra Lizza 36 F , 6:49:00 18.80
32 9 Meranda Pierce 42 F , 6:49:00 18.80
33 24 Scott Ulrich 43 M , 6:46:00 17.28
34 10 Carol Cohen 39 F , 7:15:00 17.67
35 25 Quatro Hubbard 56 M , 7:15:00 16.13
36 26 Sean Lawler 44 M , 7:05:00 16.51
37 11 Carole Williamson 55 F , 7:15:00 17.67