Frosty Mountain / September 17th, 2016 / 50 KM

  • 50 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as,,,, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Damien Humbert 23 M , 4:57:03 34.88
2 2 Dean Perez 0 M , 5:09:02 32.18
3 3 Greg Penner 35 M , 5:23:33 29.46
4 4 Tim Dickinson 35 M , 5:50:33 26.01
5 5 Vance Culbert 0 M , 5:53:22 24.63
6 6 Marc Schmitz 35 M , 5:53:57 23.41
7 7 Josh Morris 23 M , 5:55:14 23.33
8 1 Kelsey Knoll 0 F , 5:55:30 34.88
9 8 Ryan Shephard 0 M , 5:55:31 23.31
10 9 Chris Tarling 40 M , 5:58:44 23.10
11 2 Holly Stewart 0 F , 6:31:55 30.37
12 10 Douglas Brown 0 M , 6:32:37 21.11
13 11 Carlos Zamora 0 M , 6:44:09 20.51
14 12 Matthew Ehrenreich 23 M , 6:44:10 20.51
15 3 Elizabeth Kleynhans 35 F , 6:45:03 28.16
16 4 Carla Parsons 0 F , 6:46:25 26.85
17 5 Christina Schultz 0 F , 6:47:41 25.55
18 13 Sandy Hilton 45 M , 6:49:05 20.26
19 14 Peter Roussy 55 M , 7:18:57 18.88
20 15 Derek Ray 40 M , 7:21:56 18.75
21 16 Graeme Millen 23 M , 7:22:37 18.72
22 6 Jacqueline Hudson 0 F , 7:25:27 22.27
23 7 Jane Hollenberg 23 F , 7:26:25 22.22
24 17 Andy Healy 0 M , 7:26:29 18.56
25 18 Dan Supiala 0 M , 7:29:00 18.46
26 19 Joshua Saffold 0 M , 7:32:49 18.30
27 20 Tim Hill 0 M , 7:35:23 18.20
28 21 Jason Shea 0 M , 7:35:57 18.18
29 22 Stephen Paetkau 0 M , 7:39:25 18.04
30 23 Jonathan Schouten 23 M , 7:54:06 17.48
31 24 Jeff Oh 0 M , 8:06:32 17.03
32 25 Jorge Banuelos 0 M , 8:06:55 17.02
33 26 Bill Harrower 0 M , 8:08:50 16.95
34 27 Richard Arikado 55 M , 8:08:58 16.95
35 28 Chris Boychuk 0 M , 8:14:44 16.75
36 29 Robin Junior Cases 0 M , 8:18:25 16.63
37 30 Tino van Santen 45 M , 8:28:55 16.28
38 31 Greg Hubbard 40 M , 8:31:35 16.20
39 8 Karen Samuelson 40 F , 8:39:03 19.11
40 32 Mark Kennedy 0 M , 8:42:30 15.86
41 33 James Wells 0 M , 8:53:00 15.55
42 34 Seth Cairns 0 M , 8:54:11 15.51
43 35 Adam Gomes 35 M , 8:58:33 15.39
44 36 Sean Lavin 45 M , 9:25:08 14.67
44 9 Meg Peters 40 F , 9:25:08 17.55
46 37 Gary Jones 0 M , 9:48:33 14.08
47 10 Sarah Hancock 0 F , 9:48:34 16.85
48 38 Harold Wiebe 50 M , 9:51:40 14.01
49 11 Jessica Morris 0 F , 9:52:18 16.75
50 39 Michael Kennedy 0 M , 9:53:26 13.97