Weymouth Woods 10K, 25K and 50K / September 10th, 2016 / 50 KM

  • 34 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as UltraSignup.com, RealEndurance.com, Active.com, Thelist.com, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Joshua Sutterfield 24 M Carrboro, NC 4:02:23 31.78
2 2 Jay Baker 45 M Southern Pines, NC 5:21:00 23.03
3 3 Kevin Mccabe 36 M Durham, NC 5:26:22 21.71
4 4 Kody Kubbs 31 M McAdenville, NC 5:27:23 20.70
5 5 Colby Hagen 37 M Raleigh, NC 5:50:00 18.48
6 6 Jim Roche 47 M Swansboro, NC 5:50:55 17.56
7 7 Michael Ramsdell 36 M Richlands, NC 5:52:15 17.49
8 8 Ryan Schloesser 35 M Pinehurst, NC 6:00:32 17.09
9 9 Mark Herron 28 M Whispering Pines, NC 6:00:58 17.07
10 10 Michael Lamardo 27 M Raleigh, NC 6:05:00 16.88
11 1 Kathryn Lindquist 24 F Cary, NC 6:05:15 31.78
12 2 Kimi Vadnais 40 F Ridgeland, SC 6:10:00 30.11
13 11 Christopher Johnson 47 M Poquoson, VA 6:12:30 16.54
14 3 Jenna Koenigshofer 34 F Wake Forest, NC 6:30:00 27.38
15 12 Sean Krysak 34 M Charlotte, NC 6:30:00 15.80
16 13 Tyler Marshall 27 M Fayetteville, NC 6:31:05 15.75
17 14 Dustin Canestorp 43 M New Bern, NC 6:35:27 15.58
18 4 Brittany Nave 31 F Chapel Hill, NC 6:37:00 25.73
19 15 Mark Waddington 34 M Durham, NC 6:38:00 15.48
20 16 Robert Carlson 32 M Vass, NC 6:40:00 15.40
21 17 John Ciralli 31 M Fayetteville, NC 6:44:00 15.25
22 5 Sarah Gadbois 36 F Raleigh, NC 6:50:00 23.78
23 6 Rachel Graham 25 F Fayetteville, NC 6:52:00 22.54
24 18 Joshua Jones 30 M Southern Pines, NC 6:55:00 14.85
25 7 Liza Rivera 40 F Apex, NC 7:02:00 22.00
26 19 Travis Alfrey 41 M southern pines, NC 7:10:00 14.33
27 8 Cherie McCafferty 49 F Spring Lake, NC 7:13:00 21.44
28 20 Adam Bolli 35 M Hinesville, GA 7:20:00 14.00
29 9 Laurie Matecki 33 F Sanford, NC 7:25:18 20.85
30 21 Ted Coberly 39 M Zebulon, NC 7:42:34 13.32
31 10 Kathleen McElhannon 42 F Ridgeville, SC 7:43:28 20.03
32 22 Jim Cooper 48 M Cary, NC 8:20:00 12.32
33 23 Michael Stoddard 45 M Fort Bragg, NC 8:25:00 12.20
34 11 Thea Calder 31 F Washington, DC 8:30:00 18.21