Lean Horse / August 27th, 2016 / 50 KM

  • 31 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as UltraSignup.com, RealEndurance.com, Active.com, Thelist.com, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 William McGinnis 36 M Madison, SD 3:53:57 31.19
2 2 Justin Lancaster 29 M Sioux Falls, SD 4:38:56 25.12
3 3 Paul Reynen 56 M Sioux Falls, SD 4:44:04 23.64
4 4 Steven Sjolund 65 M Minneapolis, MN 4:49:58 22.15
5 1 Erika Winchester 42 F Rapid City, SD 4:54:33 31.19
6 2 Sarah Scozzaro 37 F Minot, ND 4:58:54 29.51
7 5 Blake Spiegelberg 32 M Sheridan, WY 5:17:49 19.29
8 6 Michael Rhead 39 M Sioux Falls, SD 5:18:42 18.32
9 3 Olivia Spiegel 25 F Eau Claire, WI 5:23:00 26.17
10 7 Jamie Baldwin 39 M Sioux Falls, SD 5:38:09 17.27
11 4 Sharleen Stevens 33 F Sioux Falls, SD 5:42:51 23.58
12 8 Michael Bennett 59 M Wpg, MB 5:56:52 16.36
13 9 Ben Nagel 43 M Scottsbluff, NE 6:41:09 14.55
14 5 Heather Alvarado 45 F Denver, CO 6:57:54 18.47
15 10 Kody Riley 35 M Boulder, CO 7:04:47 13.74
16 11 John Gardner 62 M Denver, CO 7:11:15 13.54
17 12 James Taylor 49 M Vernal, UT 7:16:06 13.39
18 6 Sally Squier 74 F Raleigh, NC 7:28:28 16.39
19 13 Ramon Aranda 50 M Stillwater, OK 7:34:13 12.85
20 7 Angie Astin 31 F Smithwick, SD 7:56:17 15.43
21 8 Beth Knox 55 F Raleigh, NC 8:03:02 15.22
22 14 Steve Burgess 62 M Madison, MS 8:03:10 12.08
23 9 Carol Lyndell 68 F Colorado Springs, CO 8:04:37 15.17
24 15 Chris Rodatz 71 M orange park, FL 8:13:15 11.84
25 16 Bill Squier 74 M Raleigh, NC 8:13:26 11.83
26 10 Tonie Hockenbury 55 F Jamison, PA 8:13:31 14.89
27 11 Caron Alten 44 F Thief River Falls, MN 8:40:15 14.13
28 17 Larry Ressler 60 M Bismarck, ND 8:42:17 11.18
29 12 Roxana Lewis 70 F Gardena, CA 8:45:21 13.99
30 18 Justin Walters 29 M Nashville, TN 8:46:35 11.09
31 19 Jeffrey Vieyra 69 M Lafayette, CA 8:58:23 10.84