3 Days at the Fair / May 12th, 2016 / 50 KM

  • 25 Total Finishers
  • Male Strength of Field: 0.00
  • Female Strength of Field: 0.00

Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please Let us know. We also obtain results from the race directors, race websites and other on-line sources, such as UltraSignup.com, RealEndurance.com, Active.com, Thelist.com, International Trail Running Association (ITRA). We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database.

Overall Gender Place Name Age Gender Location Time Points
1 1 Fred Wolodiger 59 M Englewood, NJ 5:03:13 30.03
2 1 Mary Worts 41 F Morristown, NJ 5:19:13 30.03
3 2 Cortney Harding 36 F Brooklyn, NY 5:56:06 25.84
4 3 Tami Wolfe 41 F Jackson, NJ 6:43:21 21.87
5 4 Jane Laties 50 F Philadelphia, PA 6:52:42 20.44
6 5 Meredith Murphy 37 F Chester Springs, PA 7:03:22 19.02
7 2 Norman Duesterhoeft 54 M Westfield, WI 7:06:16 20.51
8 6 Karen Murray 49 F Mamaroneck, NY 7:17:18 17.54
9 7 Julie Parker 49 F East Hardwick, VT 7:26:14 17.19
10 3 John Leighton 55 M Newark, OH 7:43:05 18.09
11 8 Liz Gmerek 55 F Merritt Island, FL 7:45:50 16.46
12 4 Thomas Brand 69 M Summit, NJ 7:56:16 16.83
13 5 George Rose 43 M Woodlawn, VA 7:56:59 16.04
14 6 Joseph Zimmerman 45 M New York, NY 8:20:30 14.56
15 7 John Leighton 55 M Newark, OH 8:36:46 14.10
16 8 Clint Burleson 62 M Organ, NM 8:46:45 13.83
17 9 Henry Rueden 66 M De Pere, WI 9:05:14 13.36
18 9 Nancy Dukett 56 F Lee Center, NY 9:16:44 13.78
19 10 John Leighton 55 M Newark, OH 9:32:12 12.73
20 10 Carmen Mak 47 F Westfield, NJ 9:43:07 13.15
21 11 Mike Brooks 70 M Lewistown, ME 9:46:29 12.42
22 12 Mike Brooks 70 M Lewiston, ME 9:48:57 12.37
23 13 Joe Farinella 77 M Newton, NJ 10:55:28 11.11
24 14 John Leighton 55 M Newark, OH 11:01:10 11.02
25 15 Caelan Mulder 8 M Warrington, PA 14:46:48 8.21